Top Useful Flutter Commands

Top Useful Flutter Commands

Hey mobile app devs, here i am listing all useful flutter commands which we need in our daily development process with Flutter.

flutter doctor

Flutter doctor command will help you to check your flutter environment. it will help you to check and test if your flutter installation in done correctly or not. it will guide you if something is missing in your flutter installation.

flutter doctor

flutter pub get

Flutter pub get command is used for getting libraries and packages from the Flutter Packages Website. You can mention packages name and version inside pubspec.yaml file and run this ‘flutter pub get’ command in terminal and it will download all the required packages from the internet.

flutter pub get

flutter clean

This command will clean all the build and cache data from your current project. It will clear all build files, packages, generated config file while project is builds files for ios or android. Mostly this command will help you to resolve package related issues. When ever i need to zip the source code i use this command to remove unnecessary files. after unzip the source code you will need to run ‘flutter pub get’ to again run the project.

flutter clean

flutter upgrade

Flutter upgrade command will upgrade your flutter SDK version to the latest version available for flutter. For upgrading flutter you just need to run ‘flutter upgrade’ and it will update flutter SDK. To know more about latest flutter versions check this website Flutter.

flutter upgrade

flutter run

Flutter run command will run your project on connected device. it can be ios, android, desktop or browser. Basically ‘flutter run’ command is used to run and test your flutter project. Also you can use f5 if you are using VSCode for developing flutter application.

flutter run

flutter build apk

You will need this command when you are ready to test your flutter application on android devices. You can build apk file and share it to other android devices to install and test application. This command will build APK file and it can be install on any android os.

flutter build apk

flutter build appbundle

Flutter app bundle command will build or generate bundle file with extension ‘.aab’ (android app bundle) file. You will need this file when you are all set to publish your application on Google Play Store.

flutter build appbundle

flutter build ios

This command work same as flutter build apk command. When you run ‘flutter build ios’ it will build your project to run on ios devices. it will generate all required files for ios platforms and help you to generate config files for ios platforms.

flutter build ios

Other Useful Commands

  1. flutter pub cache repair – to repair or Update flutter dependencies in /.pub-cache files
  2. flutter packages get – update all packages used in flutter project
  3. flutter pub cache clean – to clean all cache files from the flutter (/.pub-cache)

I hope this article will help you to find basic and useful command for your flutter app development. you can find me on Instagram @_rajjani or subscribe me on Youtube RAJ JANI for more flutter and programming related content.

THNAKS for Reading ๐Ÿ“–

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